Parkland, FL non-surgical disc herniation treatmentDr. Scharf sees many people weekly in our busy Parkland, FL chiropractic office who are looking for relief from the pain and distress they feel due to herniated discs. Our experience isn't unique; the medical literature confirms that chiropractic care is an effective way to treat herniated disc problems.

Don't Suffer! Dr. Scharf and Chiropractic Care Helps With Disc Herniation

One particular study involved 27 people, 8 male and 19 female, who had magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) confirming a disc herniation in either their neck or lower back. The patients documented that they were experiencing pain, limited range of motion, and sensory issues bad enough to keep them off work.

Over the course of the research period, the subjects were treated using one of two common chiropractic techniques: traction for herniated discs in the cervical area or flexion distraction for the people who had herniation issues in the low back.

Each individual was seen four or five times per week for the first two weeks, then three times weekly, and then as needed for the rest of the study. Based on the seriousness of the disc herniation, treatment ranged anywhere from six weeks to six months, with MRIs being carried out at a variety of stages to identify what impact, if any, the chiropractic care was having in regard to the disc herniation.

Research Shows Chiropractic Helps With Back Pain and Herniated Disc

The investigators found that 80 percent of the patients obtained a "good clinical outcome," meaning reduced pain and a reduction in other symptoms, such as numbness. Furthermore, 77 percent of these subjects also showed MRI evidence that their disc herniation was either reduced or resolved completely. This resulted in 78 percent of the study subjects being able to return to their place of work and led the researchers to conclude that chiropractic is both "safe and helpful" for disc herniations.

If you have a herniated disc and suffer from chronic back pain and are near Dr. Scharf in Parkland, FL, contact our office today to see what chiropractic can do for you!

BenEliyahu, DJ. Magnetic resonance imaging and clinical follow-up: study of 27 patients receiving chiropractic care for cervical and lumbar disc herniations. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 1996;19(9):597-606.

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